NICER's first capital improvement project - the NICER Community Garden

Summer 2025 - Reservations Now Open!

The NICER Community Garden has been a great success since it started in 2021!  We now have beds available to rent for the 2025 growing season.  If you love to garden but don't have the space, we are just what you are looking for.  Residents enjoy 2' high raised beds (no slouching and bending) and have been filling them with veggies and flowers.  We encourage you to put your own creative touch on your bed and watch your food come to life.  

Families and pets are welcome to the garden and those who reserve beds have access to tools and running water.  If you can't afford a bed, NICER has scholarships available.  We want this to be accessible to all our residents!  Reserve a bed today and enjoy the satisfaction of caring for and watching your food grow.

If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please email or call Kari Klemme at 715-329-0205.  


May 2021

Construction has begun on the NICER Community Garden in Montreal.  Volunteers gathered and constructed 10 garden beds and a storage shed, with the fence to be the next portion to be erected around the garden.  Students at Northwoods Manufacturing have been busy working on the custom garden gate, with the GCC Welding students crafting the metal sign that will hang over the front gate.

The garden will be ready for a full growing season, with the opportunity to begin working in the beds by Memorial Day weekend.  NICER is looking for donations of garden tools to stock the shed for use of gardeners renting the beds.  If you are cleaning out your shed and you have extra garden tools you are looking to unload, please call or text Kari Klemme at 715-329-0205 and she will pick them up from you.  Items needed include a wheel barrow, shovels, hoes, trowels, and rakes.

This project would not be possible without the support of the City of Montreal, volunteers willing to pitch in, and community members and businesses who donated to the effort.  We are extremely grateful.  

If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please email or call Kari Klemme at 715-329-0205.  


November - December 2020

NICER would like to extend an enormous THANK YOU to all of our friends who contributed to the $eed Money Campaign for the Community Garden. Through the online event and checks mailed, and competitive grant money earned from what we raised, we CRUSHED our goal of $3000 and managed to raise a whopping $8,050! This is a testament to the support we have for one another. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  

NICER's fundraising isn't stopping here, as additional funding is needed to complete the project. If you would like to donate, please send donations to: NICER, 13 Number 4 Road, Montreal WI 54550. 

If you have any questions, contact or call Kari Klemme at 715-329-0205 .

NICER Community Garden Fundraiser

November - December 2020

NICER is participating in a month-long crowdfunding campaign starting at 11:00 am, November 15th through 11:00 am, December 15th.  This fundraising competition allows for us to earn additional grant funding to put towards the garden and can be found by following this link:  

Our goal is to reach $3000 during this time.  In the event we don't reach our goal, 100% of the proceeds will be applied to the NICER community garden.  As an added incentive, we have a tiered sponsorship program for the garden which gives us the opportunity to proudly display the names and businesses who have supported this project at the garden site. We strongly believe in recognizing our supporters, and the plaques at the garden will be a permanent reminder of how our community comes together for the greater good. All donors will also be acknowledged in promotional materials, which will be shared on social media and on our website.

 Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated and will get us one step closer to our mission of enhancing our residents' sense of belonging and creating a healthy, vibrant, and welcoming community for all.  

If you have any questions or would like to make a donation outside of the Seed Money campaign, please email or call Kari Klemme at 715-329-0205.  We can't do this without you!

NICER Community Garden is Coming to the City of Montreal

Summer, 2020

We are excited to announce that NICER has been given permission by the City of Montreal to build a community garden!

After the Hurley Community Garden was replaced by a garage near the Iron County Courthouse, there has been discussion to look for a new space in our Northern Iron County community. That's when NICER decided that this would be a great project for the group to look into.

NICER member and secretary, Kari Klemme presented the idea at the Montreal City Council meeting in May, 2020. "We received great feedback at the city council meeting. Mayor, Erik Guenard and the city council members seemed excited and gave us permission to move forward with this project," stated Klemme. In addition to creating a sustainable food security resource, NICER hopes that the garden will become a nice gathering space for community members and their families.

We are currently looking into grants and fundraising opportunities, with hopes to break ground next summer.

If you would like to learn more about how you can help with this project, feel free to contact us via email at or call Kari Klemme at 715-329-0205.

Community Garden Presentation.pdf